A Brief Hello and How Are You

Well, it’s been some time between posts and that was certainly not what I was looking to do, AT ALL, with this blog but life started popping up everywhere. These days there’s little time for me, and what little time I actually have, I spend sleeping or in the John. I have been on the move with my now running 18 month old. It’s funny how much things change! Next, my sister had her baby girl at the tail end of July and she’s a little pumpkin. Speaking of pumpkins, I just finished crocheting a pumpkin pillow for her to take fall pictures with. I haven’t given it to her yet because I am also working on a pouch or swaddler that looks like she’s in a pile of leaves to go with it. I also want to make the pumpkin vine to attach to the top of the pillow too. We’ll see how far we get. 

I’ve also been doing a handful of designs for random projects on Design Crowd, but since last week and the lack of sleep I’ve recently been getting with mommy panic during transitioning sleeping from Ryan’s crib to bed, I’ve had to put it on pause. I like feeling like I’m contributing to my family, so I will always try anything within my skill set for now. Lately, I just feel like I’ve been socked in each eye and it’s getting harder to stay awake during the day to play “Chase Me” with my little buddy all day.

I also sold one of my extra large paintings last night and I am working on getting it ready to ship which is like running a circus in every town all across New Jersey, at the same time. I have a TON of respect for those mothers who have twins, triplets and more, I HAVE NO IDEA HOW YOU HANDLE 1 HOUR, let alone one day of your life. My hat goes off to you!

In other news, Facebook charged me $13.96 for NOTHING! I’m actually super pissed off about it. I have PayPal investigating it and I’m trying to figure out how to delete them from accessing it but I;m not sure how. I haven’t bought anything at all this month from them, no ads, nothing. The only online purchase I made was for music through iTunes, so if they hacked Apple for an extra $13.96 they have another thing coming.

More than anything I really want to get this new pouch done but the couch is calling me. It says, “sit, friend. Enjoy putting your feet up and rest.” Meanwhile, I know I have 30 seconds before my son gets up again.

Well it’s been nice trying to get a word in on my blog today. I hope I can get back on tonight before I pass out. I’ll have to do a mobile upload of the pumpkin pillow when it’s completed too.

Categories: Being Mommy/ Parenting, Plentiful Designs: Crochet Projects, Pop-Up Thoughts/ Projects, Time Management | Leave a comment

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